What Rhetorical Devise Is It When the Ending of a Sentence Begins Again


Rhetoric is the fine art of effective communication; if you communicate with others at all, rhetorical devices are your friends!

Rhetorical devices aid y'all make points more effectively, and help people sympathise you amend. In this article, I'll be covering some of import rhetorical devices and so you can improve your own writing!

What Are Rhetorical Devices?

A lot of things that you would think of every bit just regular everyday modes of communicating are actually rhetorical devices That'south because 'rhetorical devices' is more than or less a fancy mode of saying 'communication tools.'

Virtually people don't programme out their use of rhetorical devices in advice, both considering nobody thinks, "now would be a good time to use synecdoche in this conversation with my grocery clerk," and because we use them so often that they don't actually register as "rhetorical devices."

How often have you said something similar, "when pigs fly!" Of those times, how often accept you idea, "I'm using a rhetorical device!" That'south how ubiquitous they are!

However, beingness enlightened of what they are and how to apply them can strengthen your advice, whether you exercise a lot of big speeches, write persuasive papers, or but argue with your friends nigh a TV evidence you all like.

Rhetorical devices can role at all levels: words, sentences, paragraphs, and beyond. Some rhetorical devices are merely a single discussion, such equally onomatopoeia. Others are phrases, such as metaphor, while still others tin can be sentence-length (such every bit a thesis), paragraph-length (hypophora), or go throughout the entire piece, such every bit a standard v-paragraph essay.

Many of these (such every bit the thesis or v-paragraph essay) are and then standard and familiar to u.s. that nosotros may non recollect of them as devices. Just because they assist us shape and deliver our arguments effectively, they're important to know and understand.

body_girl-2 Busting out a lexicon isn't the most efficient fashion to acquire rhetorical devices.

The Most Useful Rhetorical Devices List

It would be incommunicable to listing every single rhetorical device in i blog mail. Instead, I've collected a mixture of extremely common devices you may have heard earlier and some more obscure ones that might exist valuable to acquire.


Distension is a little similar to parallelism: by using repetition, a writer expands on an original statement and increases its intensity.

Take this example from Roald Dahl'south The Twits:

"If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to prove on the confront. And when that person has ugly thoughts every mean solar day, every week, every year, the confront gets uglier and uglier until y'all tin can hardly conduct to wait at it.

A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. Yous tin can have a wonky olfactory organ and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, simply if y'all have good thoughts information technology will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you lot volition ever look lovely."

In theory, we could have gotten the point with the outset sentence. We don't demand to know that the more you think ugly thoughts, the uglier you become, nor that if you recall practiced thoughts you won't be ugly—all that tin be independent within the offset sentence. Merely Dahl's expansion makes the point clearer, driving home the idea that ugly thoughts accept consequences.

Amplification takes a single idea and blows information technology upwardly bigger, giving the reader boosted context and information to better sympathize your indicate. You don't just have to restate the signal—use distension to expand and dive deeper into your argument to show readers and listeners how important it is!


Anacoluthon is a fancy word for a disruption in the expected grammar or syntax of a sentence. That doesn't mean that you misspoke—using anacoluthon means that you've deliberately subverted your reader's expectations to make a betoken.

For example, take this passage from King Lear:

"I will accept such revenges on you lot both,
That all the world shall—I volition do such things,
What they are, yet I know not…"

In this passage, King Lear interrupts himself in his clarification of his revenge. This has multiple effects on the reader: they wonder what all the world shall do one time he has his revenge (cry? scream? fear him?), and they understand that King Lear has interrupted himself to regain his sophistication. This tells us something near him—that he's seized by passion in this moment, simply also that he regains control. We might have gathered one of those things without anacoluthon, simply the utilise of this rhetorical device shows us both very efficiently.


Anadiplosis refers to purposeful repetition at the end of one sentence or clause and at the start of the side by side sentence or clause. In practice, that looks something similar a familiar phrase from Yoda:

"Fearfulness leads to acrimony. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."

Annotation the fashion that the ending word of each sentence is repeated in the following sentence. That's anadiplosis!

This rhetorical device draws a clear line of thinking for your reader or listener—repetition makes them pay closer attention and follow the mode the idea evolves. In this example, we trace the mode that fear leads to suffering through Yoda'southward purposeful repetition.

body_lemonade When life gives yous lemons, use antanagoge!


Antanagoge is the balancing of a negative with a positive. For example, the common phrase, "When life gives y'all lemons, make lemonade," is antanagoge—it suggests a negative (lots of lemons) and follows that upward with a positive (make lemonade).

When writing persuasively, this can be a not bad way to respond to potential detractors of your statement. Suppose you desire to convince your neighborhood to add a customs garden, only you think that people might focus on the amount of work required. When framing your argument, you could say something like, "Yep, information technology volition be a lot of work to maintain, but working together volition encourage us all to go to know one another too equally providing us with fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers."

This is a little like procatalepsis, in that y'all anticipate a trouble and reply to it. However, antanagoge is specifically balancing a negative with a positive, just every bit I did in the case of a garden needing a lot of work, but that piece of work is what ultimately makes the project worth information technology.


Apophasis is a course of irony relating to denying something while still proverb information technology. You'll often run across this paired with phrases similar, "I'm not saying…" or "Information technology goes without maxim…", both of which are followed up with saying exactly what the speaker said they weren't going to say.

Take this oral communication from Iron Homo 2:

"I'm not saying I'chiliad responsible for this state's longest run of uninterrupted peace in 35 years! I'g not saying that from the ashes of captivity, never has a phoenix metaphor been more personified! I'k not proverb Uncle Sam can kicking back on a lawn chair, sipping on an iced tea, because I haven't come beyond anyone man enough to go toe to toe with me on my best twenty-four hours! It's not virtually me."

Tony Stark isn't saying that he's responsible for all those things… except that's exactly what he is saying in all of his examples. Though he says information technology'south not almost him, it clearly is—all of his examples chronicle to how great he is, even as he proclaims that they aren't.

A scene like this can hands be played for humour, but apophasis can as well be a useful (admitting deceptive) rhetorical tool. For example, this statement:

Our neighborhood needs a customs garden to foster our relationships with one another. Non merely is it great for getting to know each other, but a community garden will also provide us with all kinds of fresh fruit and vegetables. It would be wrong to say that people who disagree aren't invested in others' health and wellness, only those who have the neighborhood'southward best interests in mind will support a community garden.

That concluding sentence is all apophasis. Not only did I imply that people who don't support the community garden are anti-social and uncaring (by outright stating that I wouldn't say that, merely I as well implied that they're likewise not invested in the neighborhood at all. Stating things similar this, by pretending you lot're not proverb them or saying the reverse, tin be very constructive.

Assonance and Alliteration

Assonance adds an abundance of attractive accents to all your assertions. That's assonance—the practice repeating the aforementioned vowel sound in multiple words in a phrase or sentence, oft at the beginning of a discussion, to add accent or musicality to your work. Alliteration is similar, but uses consonant sounds instead of vowel sounds.

Permit's apply Romeo and Juliet as an example again:

"From along the fatal loins of these two foes;
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life."

Hither, nosotros accept repetition of the sounds 'f' and 'l' in 'from forth...fatal...foes,' and 'loins...lovers...life.'

Even if you don't discover the repetition as you're reading, you can hear the furnishings in how musical the linguistic communication sounds. Shakespeare could hands have just written something like, "2 kids from families who hate i another roughshod in dear and died past suicide," but that'due south hardly as evocative as the phrasing he chose.

Both assonance and alliteration requite your writing a lyrical sound, but they tin can do more than than that, too. These tools can mimic associated sounds, like using many 'p' sounds to sound similar rain or something sizzling, or 's' sounds to mimic the sounds of a ophidian. When you're writing, think near what culling meanings y'all tin add past emphasizing certain sounds.


Listen, asterismos is great. Don't believe me? How did you feel subsequently I began the kickoff sentence with the word 'listen?' Even if you didn't feel more than inspired to really listen, you probably paid a chip more attention because I bankrupt the expected form. That's what asterismos is—using a word or phrase to draw attention to the thought that comes afterwards.

'Listen' isn't the only example of asterismos, either. You can use words like, 'hey,' 'look,' 'behold,' 'and then,' and then on. They all have the same upshot: they tell the reader or listener, "Hey, pay attention—what I'm nigh to say is important."

Dysphemism and Euphemism

Euphemism is the commutation of a more than pleasant phrase in place of a familiar phrase, and dysphemism is the contrary—an unpleasant phrase substituted in place of something more familiar. These tools are two sides of the same money. Euphemism takes an unpleasant affair and makes information technology audio nicer—such as using 'passed abroad' instead of 'died'—while dysphemism does the opposite, taking something that isn't necessarily bad and making it sound like it is.

We won't get into the less savory uses of dysphemism, only in that location are plenty that tin can leave an impression without being outright offensive. Take 'snail mail.' A lot of us call postal postal service that without any real malice backside information technology, simply 'snail' implies slowness, drawing a comparing betwixt postal mail and faster email. If yous're making a bespeak almost how going electronic is faster, better for the environment, and overall more than efficient, comparing email to postal postal service with the phrase 'snail mail' gets the betoken across quickly and efficiently.

Too, if you're writing an obituary, yous probably don't desire to isolate the audition past being too stark in your details. Using gentler language, like 'passed away' or 'dearly departed' allows you to talk nearly things that might exist painful without being also direct. People will know what you mean, but you won't have to take a chance hurting anyone past being too straight and final with your linguistic communication.

body_book-3 Mostly, fiction books are where you'll find epilogues.


Y'all've no doubt come across epilogues earlier, because they're a common and particularly useful rhetorical device! Epilogues are a conclusion to a story or work that reveals what happens to the characters in the story. This is different from an afterword, which is more than likely to describe the procedure of a book's creation than to continue and provide closure to a story.

Many books use epilogues to wrap upward loose ends, usually taking place in the future to show how characters have changed equally a outcome of their adventures. Both Harry Potter and The Hunger Games series use their epilogues to show the characters as adults and provide some closure to their stories—in Harry Potter, the main characters have gotten married and had children, and are now sending those children to the school where they all met. This tells the reader that the story of the characters nosotros know is over—they're adults and are settled into their lives—just too demonstrates that the world goes on existing, though it'due south been changed forever by the actions of the familiar characters.


Eutrepismus is some other rhetorical device you've probably used before without realizing it. This device separates speech into numbered parts, giving your reader or listener a clear line of thinking to follow.

Eutrepismus is a bang-up rhetorical device—allow me tell you why. Outset, it's efficient and articulate. Second, it gives your writing a nifty sense of rhythm. Third, it'due south easy to follow and each department can be expanded throughout your work.

See how simple it is? You got all my points in an easy, digestible format. Eutrepismus helps you structure your arguments and make them more constructive, just as whatsoever good rhetorical device should do.


You've probably used hypophora before without ever thinking about it. Hypophora refers to a writer or speaker proposing a question and following it upwards with a articulate answer. This is different from a rhetorical question—another rhetorical device—because in that location is an expected respond, one that the writer or speaker will immediately give to you.

Hypophora serves to ask a question the audience may take (fifty-fifty if they're not entirely enlightened of it yet) and provide them with an answer. This answer can be obvious, just it can also be a ways of leading the audience toward a particular signal.

Have this sample from John F. Kennedy'south spoken language on going to the moon:

Merely why, some say, the moon? Why cull this as our goal? And they may well ask why climb the highest mount? Why, 35 years agone, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas?
We choose to become to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and exercise the other things, not considering they are like shooting fish in a barrel, simply because they are hard, considering that goal will serve to organize and measure the all-time of our energies and skills, because that challenge is ane that we are willing to have, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.

In this speech, Kennedy outright states that he's asking questions others have asked, then goes on to answer them. This is Kennedy's speech, and then naturally it's going to reverberate his bespeak of view, but he's answering the questions and concerns others might accept about going to the moon. In doing so, he's reclaiming an ongoing conversation to brand his ain indicate. This is how hypophora can be incredibly effective: you control the respond, leaving less room for argument!


Litotes is a deliberate understatement, oft using double negatives, that serves to actually draw attention to the affair beingness remarked upon. For example, saying something like, "It'due south not pretty," is a less harsh way to say "Information technology's ugly," or "It's bad," that nonetheless draws attention to it existence ugly or bad.

In Frederick Douglass' Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: an American Slave, he writes:

"Indeed, information technology is not uncommon for slaves fifty-fifty to fall out and quarrel among themselves about the relative goodness of their masters, each contending for the superior goodness of his own over that of the others."

Notice the use of "non uncommon." Douglass, past using a double negative to brand readers pay closer attending, points out that some slaves still sought superiority over others by speaking out in favor of their owners.

Litotes draws attention to something by understating it. It's sort of like telling somebody not to think most elephants—soon, elephants becomes all they tin call back most. The double negative draws our attention and makes us focus on the topic because information technology'southward an unusual method of phrasing.


Onomatopoeia refers to a sound represented within text equally a mimicry of what that audio really sounds like. Think "bang" or "whizz" or "oomph," all of which tin can mean that something fabricated that kind of a sound—"the door banged shut"—just also mimic the sound itself—"the door went blindside."

This rhetorical device can add together emphasis or a little flake of spice to your writing. Compare, "The gunshot made a loud sound," to "The gun went blindside." Which is more evocative?


Parallelism is the practise of using similar grammar structure, sounds, meter, and then on to emphasize a point and add together rhythm or residue to a judgement or paragraph.

One of the nearly famous examples of parallelism in literature is the opening of Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities:

"Information technology was the best of times, information technology was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, information technology was the historic period of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the flavor of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything earlier united states, nosotros had nothing earlier us, we were all going directly to Heaven, we were all going straight the other way— in brusk, the period was so far like the nowadays period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its beingness received, for adept or for evil, in the tiptop caste of comparison merely."

In the offset, every phrase begins with "Information technology was," which is itself a parallelism. Only at that place are also pairs of parallelism within the judgement, too; "It was the ___ of times, it was the ___ of times," and "information technology was the age of ___, it was the age of ___."

Parallelism draws your reader deeper into what you're saying and provides a nice sense of flow, even if y'all're talking almost complicated ideas. The 'epoch of incredulity' is a pretty meaty phrase, but Dickens' parallelism sets upwardly a series of dichotomies for u.s.; even if nosotros don't know quite what it means, we tin figure it out past comparison it to 'conventionalities.'


Personification is a rhetorical device you lot probably run into a lot without realizing it. It's a form of metaphor, which means two things are being compared without the words like or as—in this example, a affair that is non human being is given human characteristics.

Personification is common in poesy and literature, as information technology'south a great way to generate fresh and heady linguistic communication, even when talking almost familiar subjects. Take this passage from Romeo and Juliet, for example:

"When well-appareled April on the heel
Of limping winter treads."

Apr can't wear clothes or step on wintertime, and wintertime can't limp. Nonetheless, the language Shakespeare uses hither is quite evocative. He'due south able to rapidly state that Apr is cute ("well-appareled") and that winter is coming to an end ("limping wintertime"). Through personification, we get a strong paradigm for things that could otherwise be extremely tedious, such as if Shakespeare had written, "When beautiful April comes correct subsequently winter."


Procatalepsis is a rhetorical device that anticipates and notes a potential objection, heading it off with a follow-up argument to strengthen the point. I know what yous're thinking—that sounds really complicated! But bear with me, because it'due south actually quite simple.

See how that works? I imagined that a reader might exist confused by the terminology in the first judgement, so I noted that potential confusion, anticipating their argument. Then, I addressed that statement to strengthen my betoken—procatalepsis is easy, which you tin can see because I just demonstrated it!

Anticipating a rebuttal is a dandy style to strengthen your own argument. Not simply does it show that you've really put idea into what you're saying, but information technology also leaves less room for disagreement!


Synecdoche is a rhetorical device that uses a role of something to stand in for the whole. That can mean that we use a small slice of something to represent a whole matter (saying 'let's grab a slice' when we in fact mean getting a whole pizza), or using something big to refer to something small. We often do this with sports teams–for case, saying that New England won the Super Bowl when we in fact mean the New England Patriots, not the entirety of New England.

This style of rhetorical device adds an additional dimension to your language, making it more memorable to your reader. Which sounds more interesting? "Let'due south get pizza," or "let's grab a slice?"

Likewise, consider this quote from Percy Bysshe Shelly's "Ozymandias":

"Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which still survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The mitt that mocked them."

Hither, Shelly uses 'the hand' to refer to the sculptor. The hand did not sculpt the lifeless things on its ain; it was a tool of the sculptor. Simply by using simply the manus, Shelly avoids repeating 'the sculptor,' preserves the poem's rhythm, and narrows our focus. If he had referred to the sculptor again, he'd still be a large important effigy; by narrowing to the mitt, Shelly is diminishing the idea of the creator, mirroring the poem's assertion that the creation will outlast it.

body_bells-1 Poes' bells are a nifty example of a tautology.


Tautology refers to using words or similar phrases to effectively repeat the aforementioned idea with dissimilar wording. Information technology's a form of repetition that can brand a point stronger, simply information technology can also be the basis of a flawed argument—be careful that your uses of tautology is the one-time, not the latter!

For example, have this section of "The Bells" past Edgar Allen Poe:

"Keeping time, fourth dimension, fourth dimension,
In a sort of Runic rhyme…
From the bells, bells, bells, bells."

Poe's verse has a great deal of rhythm already, simply the use of 'time, time, time' sets us up for the way that 'bells, bells, bells, bells' too holds that aforementioned rhythm. Keeping time refers to maintaining rhythm, and this poem emphasizes that with repetition, much like the repetitive audio of ringing bells.

An instance of an unsuccessful tautology would be something like, "Either we should purchase a house, or we shouldn't." It's not a successful argument because it doesn't say anything at all—there's no attempt to advise anything, simply an acquittance that 2 things, which cannot both happen, could happen.

If you want to apply tautology in your writing, be sure that it's strengthening your point. Why are you using it? What purpose does it serve? Don't let a desire for rhythm end up robbing you of your point!


That thing your English teachers are always telling you to take in your essays is an important literary device. A thesis, from the Greek word for 'a proposition,' is a clear statement of the theory or argument y'all're making in an essay. All your evidence should feed back into your thesis; retrieve of your thesis as a signpost for your reader. With that signpost, they tin can't miss your point!

Particularly in longer academic writing, there tin be so many pieces to an argument that it can be hard for readers to go along track of your overarching signal. A thesis hammers the point home so that no matter how long or complicated your argument is, the reader will e'er know what you're proverb.


Tmesis is a rhetorical device that breaks up a give-and-take, phrase, or judgement with a second discussion, normally for emphasis and rhythm. We ofttimes practise this with expletives, only tmesis doesn't have to exist vulgar to be effective!

Take this case from Romeo and Juliet:

"This is not Romeo, he's some other where."

The normal manner we'd hear this phrase is "This is not Romeo, he's somewhere else." But by inserting the give-and-take 'other' between 'some' and 'where,' it non only forces the states to pay attention, only also changes the sentence's rhythm. It gets the meaning across perfectly, and does so in a style that'southward far more than memorable than if Shakespeare had but said that Romeo was somewhere else.

For a more common usage, we can plow to George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, which often has Eliza Doolittle using phrases like "fan-encarmine-tastic" and "abso-blooming-lutely." The expletives—though mild by modern standards—emphasize Eliza'due south social standing and make each discussion stand out more than if she had simply said them normally.

What's Next?

Rhetorical devices and literary devices tin can both be used to raise your writing and communication. Cheque out this list of literary devices to learn more!

Ethos, desolation, logos, and kairos are all modes of persuasion—types of rhetorical devices—that tin help yous be a more convincing writer!

No thing what type of writing you're doing, rhetorical devices tin enhance it! To learn more than nigh unlike writing styles, check out this listing!

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About the Author

Melissa Brinks graduated from the University of Washington in 2022 with a Bachelor's in English with a artistic writing emphasis. She has spent several years tutoring One thousand-12 students in many subjects, including in Sat prep, to aid them set for their higher education.


Source: https://blog.prepscholar.com/rhetorical-devices-list-examples

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